Tuesday, April 19, 2016
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM
Organizations are increasingly turning to semantic technology to help them manage, integrate and gain intelligence from the multiple streams of unstructured data and information they manage daily. Unlike keyword and statistic/algorithm based technologies, semantic technology is unique in its ability to go beyond the limits of other technologies and approach the automatic understanding of a text.
In this session you will learn: - How to leverage semantic technology to bring information and intelligence from around the web, inside your operation.
- How semantic technology can improve on your traditional data management methods through better data identification, classification, mapping and evaluation.
- Semantic Web technology can provide a window into how people, places, things and events come together into both threats and opportunities.
Bryan leads business development and sales in North America. An industry veteran, Bryan has extensive experience in search, automated metadata extraction, taxonomy creation, knowledge management and semantic technologies. Prior to his tenure at Expert System, Bryan contributed to the growth of Teach.com, Autonomy, Smartlogic and Concept Searching. Bryan holds a B.A. in Communications from Murray State University.